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KMID : 0363119920050010085
The Korean Journal of Pain
1992 Volume.5 No. 1 p.85 ~ p.88
Intravenous Regional Administration of Prostaglandin E1 for the Treatment of Buerger's Disease
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Buerger's disease is a chronic occlusive arterial disease in which a non-arteriosclerotic lesion involves medium-sized arteries, veins, and nerves of the distal leg or arm. Sympathetic interruption is indicated to improve blood flow to the
xtremity, although sympathetic blockade can provide temporally relief of vasospasm and pain. Chemical or surgical sympathectomy has been performed for this purpose and intravenous regional sympathetic block (IRSB) is an alternative. Guanethidine
reserpine has been administered for IRSB. Intraarterial or intravenous systemic administration of prostaglandin EI (PGEI) has been recommended for the treatment of Buerger's disease. We used PGEI for intravenous regional administration as an IRSB
results as good as that of intra-arterial injection. The davantages of the method include that it is less expensive than systemic administration, less invasive than intra-arterial injection. and simple in technical application.
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